Hello everyone and welcome to my latest blog. It’s been a busy time in our lovely care homes. Lots of activities have started up again, which is great to see. There have been further improvements and modifications, and we’ve been...
Firstly, I’d like to confirm that our new home ‘Blackdown’ is now part of the Human Touch family. A massive welcome to all the staff and residents. It’s in a beautiful location on the edge of Dartmoor National Park....
We celebrated Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee in style with Samantha Montini singing songs from the 1950s, cream teas supplied by our amazing kitchen staff, thank you Kye and Julie in her very becoming union jack leggings! Everyone...
Hi everyone. This month’s blog is focused on a topic which is close to my heart. I was asked about the challenges I have faced in being a relatively young woman in a position of authority and power. It...
Hello everyone and welcome to my last blog of 2021. What a year it’s been! Normally at this time of year I would be writing to you all about our plans for Christmas and New Year celebrations, but instead...